Alternative health therapies are a leap of faith. I sometimes think too, when you go to the doctor, it is also a leap of faith. But the very strangeness of alternatives are sometimes hard to believe. Meditating, eating a plant, acupuncture, etc. all have a reliable basis in medical history. And some of them can seem so odd. But there is a long history of the curing power of oils. So much information, that this is not at all surprising.
The one thing I do know, your mind and your body are so closely connected. Are you feeling better because you were on holiday? Absolutely. That is a powerful tonic all by itself. Almost like...well, meditation.
Alternatives are not magic bullets. People are so used to going to the doctor and getting an anti-biotic, which "cures" your infection in days. But now we all know the dangers of taking those little magic bullets, don't we?
I believe the testimonials of normal people. And when a few people turn into a few hundred people...well that's pretty hard to ignore.
I can completely understand. Had I not been in such pain 6 months ago when I started all this natural healing stuff, I probably would have laughed out loud at anyone telling me about oil pulling. But now, 6 months later, pain free, looking better and feeling better than I have in decades, I bow to the wonder of our bodies ability to heal itself, just by supplying the tools to allow it to do so. The very difference of alternative/holistic vs allopathic...Allopaths treat the onset of disease, whereas holistic cleans the entire body, allowing it to treat itself. Pretty wondrous, right? It's hard to ignore the truth of that.
But some do not trust their own physiology. There are so many people that believe that the body cannot fight disease, that only a doctor can fight disease. How have so many people given up on their own biology? Who or what has placed this fear in people?
Is oil pulling the only thing I do? No. But even if I stop all other cleanses and supplements, I will continue with this. Why? Because it has truly given me results the fastest of almost anything else I've tried. I enjoy it so much too.
Sorry to get so philosophical.....sometimes I get carried away with this new found freedom from pain, I want to yell it from the mountaintops (or at lease open the door to my Doctors office and yell it into the waiting room).