Actually, it wasn't caused by illegal anything. It was the toxins leaching into the soil from the industries that used the land for the past 100 yrs.
For eg: at the new(ish) studio city on eastern avenue. I was driving home from work one day when they were tearing down the old tannery building. I saw on top of the pile some beautiful 30' long wooden beams, had to be 24" high x 12" deep. I went to the shop across the street to grab a bunch of guys to salvage (aka steal) them. The boss already called about them and the demo company told him that they were so full of toxins that anyone handling them had to wear a special protective suit. All the stuff was soaked in it. (they used some pretty nasty chemicals during the tanning process).
Same as when they tore down the gardiner extension. There was talk that the old concrete was full of asbestos.
If that's the case in these small places, imagine what is under the big chemical plants? ie: Dow chemical etc?
You're stuck on CO2, but I'm talking about fucking up our environment in general. Anyone who drives a car, rides a bus, flies, takes the train is kidding themselves if they think they're not polluting the air we breathe, the ground we walk on and the water we drink......(there was a study done a few years ago and they discovered that per person, a train is the most wasteful, a plane second, and the private owned car is the least, next to a motorcycle of course).
Oh and another eyeopener? Everyone thinks public transit is SO enviro friendly. Well, they too are mistaken. Think about it: when a bus, streetcar, subway is FULLY loaded, yes, they are efficient but how often does that happen? How many millions of miles are driven when the vehicle is empty or almost empty? Then couple in moving the vehicle to the specific route etc and the numbers just get even worse.
The saying goes: the most energy efficient trip is the one not taken. Hence why I delay trips into town until I have about 20 things to do. Then I try and get them all done at the same place.....For eg: instead of going to my bank and taking money out, when I'm buying materials at Homo Depot, I'll get cash back instead. Same as deposits. If I have one? Unless I positively absolutely have to have access to the money, I'll delay until I have other banking to do.